AVSNITT 14: Transportinformation. Enligt kraven av ADR / RID / IMDG / IATA / ADN. 14.1. UN-nummer. UN-nr (ADR). : 1950. UN-nr (IMDG).


UN1950. · 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER. · IMDG. AEROSOLS. · IATA. Aerosols, non-flammable. · 14.3 Faroklass för transport.

14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. ADR. UN1950. · 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER. · IMDG. AEROSOLS. · IATA.

Un 1950 iata

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Pre-printed with the four-digit UN Number, these DOT placards are what you need for shipping Aerosols and meeting the requirements of 49 CFR 172.500 for domestic and international shipments of hazardous materials by highway, rail and water. (UN 1950, Kl. 2, 5T/5TF/5TOC) max. 1 Liter je Gegenstand (Spraydose / Gaskartusche) max.10 Liter je Versandstück gem. Sondervorschrift 594 des ADR Se hela listan på msb.se Column 1 'UN No.' - this column contains the serial number assigned to the article or substance under the United Nations system. Column 2 'Name and description' - this column contains the proper shipping names in uppercase characters, which may be followed by additional descriptive text presented in lowercase characters (see 3.1.2). Se hela listan på hse.gov.uk Anche lo IATA riporta una tabella (nella sezione 4, punto 4.2) che fornisce per ogni materia pericolosa (individuata col numero ONU) tutte le prescrizioni da applicare per effettuarne il trasporto; rispetto a quella IMDG è per ordine alfabetico della materia anziché per numero UN 2902 PESTICIDE, LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S.

År 1945 bildades den nuvarande sammanslutningen i Havanna, Kuba, och har nu sitt huvudkontor i Montréal i Kanada (som av en händelse i samma stad som den andra stora flygorganisationen, ICAO, ligger.) UN-Nummern, auch Stoffnummern genannt, sind von einem Expertenkomitee der Vereinten Nationen (UN) festgelegte, vierstellige Nummern, die für alle gefährlichen Stoffe und Güter festgelegt wurden. Auf der Liste bedeutet N.A.G.

14 Transportinformation. · 14.1 UN-nummer. · ADR, IMDG, IATA. UN1950. · 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER.


Un 1950 iata

Flygtransport/flygfrakt (ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR). 14.1 UN-nummer: UN 1950. AEROSOLS, flammable (propane, butane). 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning: 2.1.

Un 1950 iata

2. These include: Class 2: UN 1950 (Non-flammable aerosols and within Division 2.1 & 2.2), UN 2037 (Gas cartridges without a release device within  UN1950 Aerosols, 2.1. ICAO. UN-No. UN1950. Proper Shipping Name Aerosols, Flammable. Hazard Class.

FLAMMABLE GAS. Nov 27, 2019 Air transport (ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR). 14.1.
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Un 1950 iata

UN 1950. UN 1950.

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14.2 Officiell transportbenämning: 2.1. 14.3 Faroklass för  UN 1950: Aerosoler; brandfarliga, frätande. Aerosol- eller engångsbehållare för gas. information.

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UN 1950. By air. ICAO/IATA. Description: Aerosols UN 1950 2.2. UN-no: UN 1950 UN 1950. Class: 2.2. (non-flammable, non-toxic gases). EmS: EmS F-D, S-U.

ADN. RID. 14.1. UN-nummer. UN 1950. UN 1950. UN 1950.

UN-Number Name Hazard Class; UN 3514: Adsorbed gas, toxic, flammable, n.o.s. Inhalation hazard zone A: 2.3: UN 1950: Aerosols, flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) 2.1: UN 1950: Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) 2.2: UN 0399: Bombs with flammable liquid, with bursting charge: 1.1J: UN 3504: Chemical under pressure, flammable, toxic, n.o.s: 2.1

For each consignment of dangerous goods as defined and regulated  Jun 8, 2015 AEROSOLS. Proper Shipping Name (IATA).

· 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER. · IMDG. AEROSOLS. · IATA. AEROSOLS, flammable. · 14.3 Faroklass för transport.